Songs for the Stupid Season

 Whether you like the so-called festive season or not, you have to admit that there's is a lot of social and commercial stupidity involved. So every year I like to do a playlist like this, that sends up some of those absurdities. In Straya, of course, the heat is also stupefying- there's some songs about that. There are some old standbys, and some new ones (contributions from a friend who happens to be a walking punk rock encyclopedia).

This year, there's an air of "thank fuck that's over" with 2016 too, and this adds to the deep satisfaction I get from satire. It has been a difficult year on levels ranging from the personal to the planetary. Some of us decided that 2016 should have been cancelled when David Bowie died.


Dropkick Murphys: [youtube]

Ramones, [youtube]

Sex Pistols, [youtube]

Bad Religion, [youtube]

The Vandals, [youtube]


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