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Hamell on Trial

  Hamell on Trial is my latest musical enthusiasm. Recently, Ed Hamell offered 8 of his albums for free download:   "First they're free, then you have to pay a small fee, now they're free again. WHAT A Yo-Yo!!! Rich? Send me a million!! Poor, pay what you can!! BUT: Spread the word to the uninitiated!!! That's only fair!!!" I believe it is, and it's certainly not a hardship for me to go on about music. So here goes. The main problem I had writing this was deciding how to describe his style. My temptation is to say, "just listen", but you know, I'm supposed to a writer here. There should be a way to write halfway decent words, even about an artist who has a mad genius with them. "I like words. I'm a big word guy." he told a BBC presenter last year. I laughed when I heard the podcast, of course, but after listening to several albums, my reaction to this statement is "well, duh." The albums I have downloaded - for free, I adm

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