David Rovics "St Patrick Battalion"


A St Patrick's Day Musical Tribute

Everywhere there are uprisings and resistance to unjust occupation, one finds the Irish. Irish nationalism is unique in its commitment to international solidarity, due both to its anti-colonial perspective and its many many exiles.

The story of John Riley and the San Patricios is a fine example of this tradition, and American songwriter David Rovics has created a song about this 19th century brigade that beautifully combines Irish and American musical traditions, evoking the sense of Irish exile and showing how Irish international solidarity is deeply entwined with the history of the American people, north and south. He has great subjects to work with, but David's unique ability to imagine the motivations and character of his subjects has served him well in this story rendered in song. The result has been universally popular amongst his followers and fans around the world (and even, to judge from my own experience, his detractors and hecklers.)

To find out more about this remarkable battalion, go here: http://www.stpatricksbattalion.org/index.htm

first published March 17, 2015


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