Notes to Self: Proposal(s) for a Perfect(ionist) Post


  1. Enter a search string into google, preferably in "labo(u)r history notions of boolean algebra" format. You will get wikipedia. Do not despair.
  2. Copy and paste the first paragraph into a text document. DO NOT save anything at this point.
  3. Scroll down to the footnotes and click on any link that looks like it is better written. This is known as "standard academic research practice." Copy the good bits to the text document. If you forget to copy the link... meh. It's there, thanks to those wikipedians. "Show All History" is a wonderful menu item.
  4. Junk all of the wikipedia entry except for the dates and names. The grammar panda says no to subordinate clauses.
  5. Be succinct and opinionated. Write what happened. Full stops only (unless, of course, a civilised sentence requires one).
  6. Find a recording that is interesting, legal, aesthetically pleasing and/or historically significant. Searches may be a lot longer than they appear when inside the brain.
  7. Proofread. Then proofread again. BEFORE sending and/or posting the thing.
  8. If it's less than a thousand words, finish it before your afternoon nap, or it will prevent snoozing.


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