Revolutionary Love and Shaggy Dog Stories: the Best of Cosmo

Cosmo: I want to do a greatest hits album- except of course I don't have any hits! What would be your track listing, just off the top of your head?

Me: Top of my head? I think not. Now I have the perfect excuse to listen to your whole output- again.

I'm paraphrasing, but that's the gist of it. I have had enormous fun putting my ideal "Best of Cosmo" compilation together. Here it is, feel free to argue about it with me. Oh, they are in no particular order, I leave arrangement to the expert, ie you.

PS: I haven't listed any songs from Hiraeth, deliberately. Besides the fact that it's your latest and should be marketed as such, I think it's a complete album in itself and people should listen to it all the way through. Oh, and keeping the choices to a dozen is REALLY difficult.

CD1: Love, Innit?
Anarchic Romance from Cosmo

The Family
Issues and Tissues
My! You Go On
I Could Play You a Million Love Songs
That's Style
Revolutionary Love
No Man's Possession
Deep Cover

CD2: Street Songs and Shaggy Dog Stories
The Best of Cosmo

Strike! Occupy! Resist!
Clash Of Civilisations/George Bush RIP
Climate Change is Comin'
Making a Killing
Tarry No More By the Cross
Flip the Script
Oh to Be in England
The Butcher's Apron
No Gods, No Masters
Music Hall War!
These Chains Won't Ever Hold Me
We're All Angry Now
Dream a Different Dream


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